Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Final Thoughts

Final thoughts,

Looking back, I realize that my trip to South Africa had truly been full of many once in a life-time experiences.

One of the most memorable experiences . . . This is probably the hardest question. One of the most memorable moments of that weekend was how groups of the students would be willing to break out into song and dance for us, a group of visitors. Surely I didn't know everything about their home life or school histories but I did know that they had to overcome many challenges and obstacles in both arenas and here they were loving life and sharing that passion with strangers.

What did I get from the experience . . .

The underlining mission of our project was to share American viewpoints and values with South African students and then vice versa. Diane and I were able to take a survey of South African students’ values, begin a pen pal/epal exchange, identify commonalities with American students, and a photo essay.

This trip has been most valuable in terms of opening my mind to a different way of thinking, approaching life, and appreciating the fundamentals of education. I found myself constantly asking, "What do you really need to call it a school? a classroom? fully supplied? really working/progressing?" There was no consistent answer, but just by generating those thoughts I know that I will have different outlook when I step back into Hammarskjold and my classroom. How can I not? My new perspective has reinforced how important is it not to take for granted what we have and that mindset is what I hope to share with my students.

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