Wednesday, July 16, 2008

background about the program

SAI is an interdisciplinary program that facilitates international contacts among United States and South African educators. The Seventh Anniversary Study Tour to South Africa consisted of 19 days of hands-on learning, volunteer work and cultural excursions, which began mid-July and concluded August 6.

*The opportunity to do research in a different nation is one I could not pass up. I am excited to work toward building a better cultural awareness of the similarities and differences between our students and the South African students.*

While in South Africa, I hope to keep an open mind as I study the expectations placed on students both inside and outside the classroom, and compared the values important to South African to those of American students.
In addition to working directly with a South African school in Paarl, I am preparing to be immersed in South African culture, see diverse landscapes ranging from deserts to mountains, visit a safari, and visited museums depicting the history of South Africa.

Expect to see pictures galore upon my return :)


Unknown said...

Good Luck and enjoy.

slopoke said...

Have a good and safe trip.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a safe & wonderful trip! Make sure to take plenty of pictures to share with us!

Unknown said...

how was the flight to the other hemisphere? I hope you are recovering and getting pumped to have an awesome trip. =Brendan :)

Anonymous said...

What an amazing opportunity! Good Luck! Be Safe & Have FUN!!