Saturday, July 26, 2008

Books I will read to broaden my horizons . . .

~ Please feel free to add you own~

· Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane
· Diversity High by Jonathon Jansen (perhaps truly just skim)
· Privilege of being a photographer – by Ernest Cole
· . . .. . bondage – by Ernest Cole
· I write what I think – Eva Hoffman *
· Lost in Translation – “-“
· Exit into History
· After Such Knowledge
· Schetel
· All under heaven – by Daryl Accone (unsure of spelling)
· Knowledge in the Blood (New book –soon to be published) - Jonathon Jansen
· Reading the Holocaust – Inga Clendinnin
· Pumela (author) – interviewed Eugene (‘pure evil’) and developed empathy
· The Scandalous Gospels of Jesus – Gomes/z
· Pedagogy of the oppressed - ?
· Inequities - ? Kozol?
· Memoir of Matabane’s Sister
· Mother to Mother – Amy Biel’s story!

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