Saturday, July 26, 2008

Monday continued . . .

Follow-up on Monday
· Embedded misleading of history; it is seen through the eyes of the professors, the deans, and the students.
· Today our 12th member of the group joins us. He was brave enough to go through the traveling process on his own by arranging a taxi to the University. That experience gave him the opportunity to hear the cab driver’s passionate response to seeing an “Africana” sticker on a car. Apparently the driver had screamed, “Apartheid is still alive”. This statement comes from a man who does have a job, although he is still working to service the needs of others. What are others thinking who are in more service type jobs and what about those that do not have a job? Also, it makes me think about the power or a label, a group of people, and entitlements and connotations that come along with the package.
· Side note: The high performance lodge is truly a state of the art high tech gym. They even had the high tech body muscle pulser: the next generation, which is supposed to be a full body workout in 10 minutes. It is where the some of the South African Olympians have trained before heading over the Beijing a few weeks ago. There are large rugby and cricket fields and swimming pools inside and outside. I watched a few male and female rugby games going on outside and heard them start practice or dropping weights in the gym way, way too early in the morning! Much of what was playing on the TV was sports related (go figure!).
· We were supposed to have an internet connection here at the Rugby house but they had technical problems and so I apologize for the delays in my blog posts :)

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