Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday, July 27th – day 9

Sunday, July 27th – day 9
Today we finally get to sleep in! Hoorah!

We are flying from Johannesburg to Cape Town today. Thank goodness it is just over a 2-hour flight! My body begins to ache when I think about the soon to be coming 18 hour flight.

Check in to the Oak Tree Lodge in Paarl. Unlike previous years we are not going to stay with a host family. Instead we will interact with the community after school hours and then arrange for a drive back to the lodge at night.
Our night activity will be at Bergendal Intermediate School. It is an evening Potjiekos.

I can’t wait to once again interact with the students and hear their stories and experience their eagerness to learn.

The general atmosphere thus far has been: Education is Freedom.
A powerful message that clearly motivates the students at all ages.

Additionally, I can’t wait to get to the Laundromat. We were all encouraged to pack light and now we are all starting to run out of clothing. Thank goodness we are all such an accepting group : )


Anonymous said...

Wow! I just spent some time reading through your posts- what an amazing trip- I cannot wait to see the pictures. I believe a future writer may be lurking in your heart...Savor every moment.
Love, Donna

Anonymous said...

Hi Agnes! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Your posts truly put life into perspective!
Kristin and Tim

Unknown said...

Powerful and emotional!! I definitely can't wait to hear these experiences in person from you. I eagerly await to hear of your Cape Town experiences,


Anonymous said...

Hi Agnes. I am glad to hear that you are well and safe. Your posts are interesting and wonderful and through them I am able to join in on your incredible journey. I love reading about your interactions with the children of South Africa and can't wait to hear more when you get back. Enjoy the rest of your trip and take care of yourself.
Our love is with you always. The Kaluzny Family.

Anonymous said...

Hey Agnes! I so enjoyed reading your daily journals of this wonderful adventure. It's an amazing experience to become part of this cultural change. SA has always had civil unrest, but now you can compare the horrific past with its hopeful future! God bless and keep safe! Keep blogging!!
Patti D.

slopoke said...

You write awesome descriptions. Thanks for sharing, have fun and be safe.
