Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 1: Arrival on Land

“Sawubona” = Welcome! (this is what I have added to my vocabulary thus far)
Interesting observations:
*South Africa appears to be very excited in its preparation for the 2010 World Cup. There are billboards and advertisements in the airport and on the major roads highlighting this soccer competition, which is to be held in Cape Town. I am curious to see the advertising and preparation that is developing in the Cape Town area; where we will be in about a week and a half.
* Similar to how it is done in Britain and Australia, South Africans drive on the left side of the road. This has taken some getting used to. Additionally, in order to get into a van or a coach bus the passengers enter on the left side of the vehicle.
* As we drove through the outskirts and the down town area, I would compare the city of Johannesburg as a combination of Washington D.C. and Philadelphia. There are lighted sky rises throughout the landscape, as well as an un-crowded appearance to the buildings, and a clear divide for where the commercial/governmental buildings end and where the urban like dwelling begins.
* Amongst the group we are certainly going to have a lot of photo sharing to do. There is certainly a lot of photo taking and videotaping going on.
It is unremarkable to meet so many beautiful people. Although, I know I could have read many more articles and books in preparation for my experience, knowing what I know, I am amazed that on the surface there does not appear to be a disadvantaged and frustrated mix of people and cultures. We have arrived at the Hilton in Sandton City to stay for one night. In my opinion, everything is certainly first class. I will be rooming with the same person at each of our different lodgings throughout the trip.

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